(Please select and click to the mp3 songs you want from the list below. When onether windows open then click "Download" tab and 'Save As' dialog box appears, choose the desired destination in your computer to save the Setup file and click on 'Save'.)
Narayan Gopal Old songs
Ee malai maya garne haru.mp3
Galti hajar hunchha.mp3
Jiwan dekhi dherai nai thakera.mp3
Kehi chotle gyani hunchha.mp3
Lau suna ma bhanchhu.mp3
Ma kasari bhanu.mp3
Shikhar bhanera ajhai kati tadha.mp3
Timro jasto mutu mero pani.mp3
Yeha bhachne har diwana lai.mp3
Yeti chokho yeti mitho.mp3